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1. 주제, 제목
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(저는 환경공학과 재학생)
플라스틱과 바이오플라스틱의 차이점으로
The Differences between Plastics and Bioplastics
2. Contrast Essay (대조에세이)
형식은 비교/대조 에세이 중에서 대조에세이
(한 공통범위 내에서 두 가지에 대해 다른점 부각)
3. 구성/형식 (아카데믹 라이팅)
I. Introduction:
1. Hook
2. Background information
3. Thesis
II. Two Body Paragraphs
1. Topic sentence (contrast point 1)
- Supporting sentences
2. Topic sentence (contrast point 2)
- Supporting sentences
III. Conclusion
1. Restatement of the thesis
2. Summary
3. Final comment
- Length of the paper: 500-550 words
- evenly distributed, double-spaced, about 2 pages
4. 예시 (직접 작성/제출한 과제)
The Differences between Plastics and Bioplastics
Plastics are convenient, but they have a price. The most serious issue with plastics is that they are not biodegradable, which has detrimental consequences for all living things on the planet. Only 9% of all plastics manufactured annually are recycled, according to a survey released by the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) in December 2018. Worsening the situation, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, demand for delivery meals has skyrocketed, and plastic waste has increased even more. People began to look for ways to use them in an environmentally beneficial manner. As a result, bioplastics which can be broken down by bacteria or living organisms, have begun to replace plastics to overcome the problem of using plastics. Plastics and bioplastics are different in terms of the raw materials and the decomposition.
First, plastics and bioplastics are made of different raw materials. Plastics are formed up of monomers taken from petroleum, and the monomers are synthesized in a variety of ways to create a variety of plastics. For example, there are styrene of Polystyrene; formaldehyde and trioxane of polyacetal; Ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid(C8H6O4) of Polyethylene terephthalate. On the other hand, bioplastics’ raw materials are biological ingredients. Bioplastics are divided into two types based on their biomass content ratio. Biodegradable plastic has a biomass content of greater than 50%, while biobase plastic has a biomass proportion of 5 to 25%. Biomass plastic is manufactured from bio polyethylene from sugarcane and glucose from rice, lactic acid and lactide from corn. Biodegradable plastic is made of cellulose of plant, starch of carbohydrate, chitin of shrimp and crab shells, and biodegradable polymer.
Second, plastics and bioplastics have differences in terms of decomposition. Physical decomposition via sunshine or oxygen, as well as biological decomposition, are used to degrade plastic trash. Plastic, for example, begins to break down into minute bits as a result of sunlight and eventually disintegrates on the ground. Most plastics contain chemical structures that microbes are unable to break down, thus the entire process takes on average 500 years in the case of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and 20 years in the case of plastic bags. Meanwhile, bioplastics can be completely decomposed into water and carbon dioxide by microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and decomposing enzymes. For instance, a food waste bag that is made out of biodegradable plastic can be composted with the food waste after a composting process for a certain period. Water, methane, carbon dioxide, and biomass are all natural byproducts of bioplastic waste. The usual breakdown time is 5 years, and it is known to corrode faster in the presence of light and oxygen.
All in all, the raw materials and decomposition of plastics and bioplastics are different. Plastics are made out of a mixture of monomers derived from petroleum; in contrast bioplastics are made of biological elements like starch, chitin, glucose, and cellulose. Plastic waste takes around 20 to 500 years to degrade, and during that time, it rots on the ground. Meanwhile, bioplastic waste becomes natural by-products after being decomposed for around 5 years by microorganisms. The transition from regular plastic to bioplastic in the future seems to be inevitable and research about them is being developed.
(원래 문단과 문단 사이에 띄어쓰기-blank space
안하는데 블로그 올릴 때 가독성때문에
띄워놨습니다 - 실제 제출에서는 붙임)
5. 참고
: Thesis statement (주제문)
: contrast point 1,2 (대조점)
과제 작성할 때는 당연히 형광펜이나 밑줄 안쳐서
냈지만 블로그 글은 가독성이 떨어질 것 같아
*표절 금지
6. 첨삭
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